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Who We Are
Jana Tanmia Resources Sdn Bhd, formerly known as Jana Tanmia (M) Sdn Bhd is established since 8th April 1996. Jana Tanmia Resources Sdn Bhd has established diverse competency portfolio encompasses range of works in area of asset, facilities and energy management.
For every job, we bring an unmatched combination of knowledge, skill, experience and customer commitment. We are employing hundreds of technical staff around the country and helped in improving local employment at all levels and project quality management system to ensure consistent high quality project deliverables. Knowledge is the basis of our success.

Customers and partners will see us as integral to their success. We will anticipate their needs and deliver every commitment we make. People will be proud to work at Jana Tanmia Resources Sdn Bhd. We will create opportunities to achieve and will reward success. Advance knowledge and technology are our main component of our deliverables for every job.We will integrate it within our organizations and customers by conducting continuous training at all level.
To be the industry leading company in the area of our specialisations.
Building on family legacy in the area of engineering and construction that spans more than 50 years, we will continue to be guided by innovative management and firm held values.