Medical Gas Pipeline System

Precision UK Ltd is a British Manufacturer and World Leader in supplying Medical Gas Pipeline equipment compliant with HTM 02-01, C11 and BS En 7396. With over 40 years combined experience of company staff within the medical gas pipeline industry, Precision UK Ltd and its products recognise and embrace the specialist requirements of this industry to include all aspects of customer service, product design, cleanliness, packaging and usability required to become a successful partner for installations of pipeline equipment.
We truly are the only British Company accredited to BSI ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and 93/42/EEC The Medical Device Directive, that offers the complete range of medical gas pipeline equipment from its own manufactured stock.
All products certified as medical devices carry the CE mark and are registered with the British Standards Institute. Core products include Degreased Copper Tube and Fittings, Lockable Line Valves, Nist Pieces, Silver Solder, Pipeline Identification Tape, Munsen Ring Brackets, Area Valve Service Units (AVSU) Single and Modular, Are and plant Alarms, Pressure Switch Assemblies and Rigid/Retractable Pendants. Our extending product range include Medical Air Plant, Medical Vacuum Plant, AGSS Plant, Gas Manifolds and Medical Gas Outlets, all compliant to British and European Directives.

Degreased Medical Copper Tube
CPX tube is the only British manufactured tube that is CE marked as a class Ila Medical Device 93/42/EEC with notified body British Standards Institute under CE0086. CPX copper tube is designed for use in Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS) installations and incorporates the specialist requirement of the MGPS industry to include cleanliness, packaging and usability required to attain the levels of quality as stated particularly in HTM 02-01.

Degreased Medical Gas Copper Fittings
Exclusively designed for Medical Gas Pipeline Systems (MGPS), CPX copper fittings recognise and embrace the specialist requirements of the medical gas pipeline industry to include all aspects of design, cleanliness, packaging and usability required to become a successful partner for installations of pipelines compliant with HTM 02-01, C11 and BS EN 7396.

Medical Gas Outlet
The CPX Terminal Units are designed and manufactured in the UK under BS EN 13485 Medical Devices:Quality Management Systems. The units comprise of a first fix, second fix and a second fix valve assembly and connect medical aplliances to the gas supply system. The CPX Terminal Unit is designed to enable gas probes to be connected and disconnected easily and with minimal effort and the same time as giving a strong, reliable and secure connection.

Area Alarm Unit
The CPX-A area alarm is used to monitor pipeline pressure within a ward, theater etc. The pressure is monitored by pressure switches in the pipeline downstream from the last AVSU. Pressure is monitored for both high and low pressure (low only for vacuum). The integrity of the cabling between the pressure switches and the alarm panel is monitored, and a fault on this cable will result in a system fault alarm, with all affected alarm conditions going into alarm condition.

Area Valve Service Unit (AVSU)
The Area Valve Service Units (AVSU’s) are manufactured under BS EN 13485 Medical Devices: Quality Management Systems and Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC (CEO86) Class llb. They provide a local gas isolation facility for use during normal installation and maintenance or in the event of an emergency. They are built in accordance with the HTM02-01,C11 and BS EN 15908 standards.

Medical Vacuum Plant
Precision UK’s CPX Vacuum Plant is manufactured under BS EN 13485 Medical Devices: Quality Management Systems. It provides a centralised source of vacuum, available in simplex to multi-pump configurations dependant on individual requirement, to include complete package plant or modular format.
Please download our catalog for more information on this products

Model JTR -BHT-01
JTR’S Bedhead panels are a wall mounted bed head units pleasantly designed for general patient wards, recovery, and other low level critical care applications. It offers the hospital planning staff opportunity to specify at time of order the type, quantity and placement of outlets to suit individual requirements. The complete assembly is housed in a patented mounting system to minimize installation time and provides project cost savings. All units contain integral, separate compartments for low voltage cabling, extra low voltage cabling and medical gas pipework. Other ancillary equipment, such as monitor shelves, equipment rails, support arms, data sockets, nurse call systems, etc. can be incorporated as required. At JANA TANMIA RESOURCES SDN BHD our staffs are giving the best effort to provide the end user with most effective and comprehensive solution to meet the hospital requirements. It constructed from a number of extruded aluminium profile to make up a complete unit. For hygienic reason, the surfaces of the units are smooth and easy to disinfect.
- HTM 02-01:2006- Medical Gas Pipeline System
- HTM 2022:1997-Medical Gas Pipeline System
- C11-NHS Estates Model Engineering Specification
- HTM 2020-Electrical Safety Low Voltage System
- EN737-3:1998-Medical Gas Pipeline System

JTR’S VERTICAL Bedhead panels are a wall mounted bed head units pleasantly designed for general patient wards, recovery, and other low level critical care applications. It offers the hospital planning staff opportunity to specify at time of order the type, quantity and placement of outlets to suit individual requirements. The complete assembly is housed in a patented mounting system to minimize installation time and provides project cost savings. All units contain integral, separate compartments for low voltage cabling, extra low voltage cabling and medical gas pipework. Other ancillary equipment, such as monitor shelves, equipments rails, support arms, data sockets, nurse call systems, etc. can be incorporated as required.
Our bedhead unit is of a VERTICAL type integrating a variety of functions such as those for doctors and nurses to make diagnosis and medical treatment and those for patient’s lighting and communication. This unit is possible to install a required number of necessary equipments such as medical gas outlets, electric receptacles and nurse call slave units at a functional position, taking into account the size of word, number of beds and their arrangement in a ward. In addition, we have a variety of types such as a concealed model with little exposure of equipment so as to ease the patient’s sense of oppression, a panel type with built-in treatment lamps, and a type to create a comfortable space by indirect lighting.
- HTM 02-01:2006-Medical Gas Pipeline System
- HTM 2022:1997-Medical Gas Pipeline system
- C11-NHS Estates Model Engineering Specification
- HTM 2020-Electrical Safety Low Voltage System
- EN737-3:1998-Medical Gas Pipeline System.
Please download our catalog for more information on this products