Critical Air Flow Control
Accutrol - Tek Air

Accutrol, LLC (formerly known as Tek-Air) specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of innovative airflow technologies for critical environment airflow control and airflow measurement. The features and benefits of our award winning products make us the choice of many of the world’s most prestigious and demanding clients.

The award-winning Accutrol AVC Fume Hood Control System with Accutrol Insight graphical software provides an unprecedented evolution in fume hood control technology. It significantly simplifies the start-up,operation and modification for VAV fume hoods.
The Accutrol AVC Fume Hood Control System combines the award-winning design of the low pressure drop AccuValve® Airflow Control Valve with a “smart” fume hood display and a powerful and intuitive user interface.This innovative combination allows owners to easily set up and change the fume hood configuration without complicated manuals.
Easy Configuration & Verification of Sash Positions
Vertical, horizontal or combination sashes are easily configured through the intuitive Accutrol Insight graphical software. The Insight graphical user interface provides users with a diagram of the specific type of fume hood they are configuring and prompts them to enter the pertinent sash dimensions. To verify sash calibration, Insight provides a fume hood diagram showing the real-time vertical and horizontal sash positions.

Critical Ventilation Control Valves
The Accuvalve is designed to handle Critical Ventilation requirements of Accuracy, Speed and Durability. It modulates the air flow in a linear fashion, and the volume of the air flow with VorTek air flow sensors. The combined use of the VorTek sensors, along with a Valve designed for low pressure drop and linear control, make these valves the best available in the market for your critical ventilation requirement in the laboratory, clean room, or animal care facility.

Vortex Meter and Vortex Shedding
A Unique, Patented Approach For All Critical Environment That Yields The Most Reliable Ventilation Airflow Management System.

The principle of physiscs known as vortex sheeding is the basis for Tek Air’s patented digital approach to airflow measurement. When an obstacle, such as trapezoidal shedder in a VorTex probe, is placed in the path of the airflow, spiraling eddy currents are created. These vortices, in accordance with the laws of physics, are shed in alternating fashion from one side of the shedder to the other. Tek Air measures the rates at which these vortices are produced, converting alternating pulses into digital signals for the precise measurement of airflow volume.
Other Products :

Accutrol provides a complete line of controllers to maintain precise airflow and temperature conditions. Applications include critical environments such as laboratories, healthcare and life science support spaces.
The Accutrol Room Temperature Sensor (RTS100) and Duct Temperature Sensor (DTS100) are designed to be used with the Accutrol AC7000 Series Controllers, HealthTrack™ (HTC100) Room Temperature Controllers, RoomTrack™ (RTC100) Room Controller and BAS Controllers.

Accutrol’s room pressure monitor line provides the user with high performance and accuracy for measurement of critical low differential pressure. Models offer touchscreen interface, BACnet communications, multi‐condition monitoring and remote station monitoring from nurse stations, etc.
Accutrol Airflow Measurement Products are designed for precise airflow measurement, monitoring and control. Our innovative products are designed for direct input to the building automation system (BAS) to provide accurate airflow measurement for many types of applications including outside air, duct and fan inlet airflow measurement. The VorTekG3 is designed for ease of application, installation and use. The VorTekG3 incorporates a modular design concept, BACnet option and the free award winning Accutrol Insight graphical software.
Please download our catalog for more information on this products